Hi guys...I started taking a golf camp before Covid and then with Covid it stopped for 4 months and we only restarted last weekend. With this pandemic I've become very house happy in that I love being at home and I guess I've become accustomed to being at home and I enjoy my home , so when it's time to go out I'm very unwilling
Hi guys....as you know I'm an Executive Coach and I deal with Executives and Managers everyday and it's always amazing when I come across cases where you see from a distance how wicked humans can be to one another or how some bully others.
Hi guys...I've been sitting here thinking, as I wait to start a coaching session and I felt a little disappointed with the fact that my virtual art exhibition launch didn't do as well as I expected. I did make some sales but not as many as I expected or wanted and I ask myself, is it because I didn't do enough? or I didn't have a good strategy?
Hi guys...you know...fear is everywhere, but I think we do this to ourselves most of the time. Yes the stimulus might be external but we internalise it, build it and then we let it over take us and then it gets the better of us.
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Avoiding Social Media is similar to avoiding Technology in the Workplace
Hi guys.....so due to Covid most of us were forced to work from home. I've been working from home for 2 years now and I love it but most people aren't used to this so it took some time to handle the transition. I too had to make some changes and one of them was to close my office.
Hi guys....during this time I've been keeping busy. I was also supposed to have my Art Party/Exhibition at the end of the month, but that's a no go due to Covid. So I did some research...you know me... and I tried to find other ways to maybe set up a Virtual Exhibition and guess what??!! TADA!!! I did it.
Hi guys...I realised that I write a lifestyle blog but I don't really share a lot about the meals we eat here in Trinidad and during this pandemic, eating at home is a must so I've decided to share one of the local dishes we eat here i Trinidad all the time and it's the easiest thing to bring to a get together. Everyone in Trinidad has eaten "Pelau".
Hi guys.....don't worry I'm not going into the whole Protesting things and the unfairness that Blacks encounter. My main question is what happens after all of these Big Situations? Will we go back to normal? Will we change and what will change specifically? Will we have new behaviours? I'm always curious as to do we understand the source of these issues whether it's why did Covid happen in the first place?
Hi guys... I read this a few years ago and recently found it again so I decided to share this with you guys, because in these times it is something we really need to consider. We are at a point where we have to seriously think about what we want for ourselves for the rest of our life after Covid.
Hi guys... so with this ongoing situation of being on lockdown here in Trinidad and all around the world, you tend to or have no choice but to learn things about yourself as well as about the people or person you're locked up with.
Hi guys....as you know I am a Development Coach and I coach mainly managers, supervisors and executives. I am licensed by a company in the US and recently with the situation of this pandemic, they brought out a program called Attitude is Everything. It's 4 sessions once a week, it's a digital programme and I coach you
Hi guys....how is everyone doing? I am great. in fact I love being at home and working from home. one thing that definitely happens is that you start to reconsider how you do things and what you do and what are the things you can do without and what you simply need to get rid of. So on considering all these different considerations I've looked at what has been the reason for me starting a blog and why? I've also started looking at how I spend my income on my different Online sites.
Hi guys.... so we've been on lock down for about 3 weeks now and as I mentioned i'm used to working from home but my husband isn't. But as time passes and we start to organise our separate spaces things are working out well.
Hi Guys....I did a Vlog so you can see me in the flesh if you haven't already followed me on my other platforms such as my art site @gafra.org. So enjoy, it's short and sweet : )
But I did it!!.......I did my Art launch and it went OK by my book...a few bumps here and there but not bad. It was streamed live on my Gafra Facebook page, IG and Zoom. I planned to do it on Youtube but that didn't work out as I expected.
Hi guys...I've been listening a lot to all the Covid 19 information to make sure I know what's correct from what's garbage and now the topic of the day is no longer Covid 19 but George Floyd. This is a very serious situation and not one that can be solved quickly. Injustice has been happening for years. Injustice in the Government, in schools, in jobs, in the justice system...everywhere.
Hi Guys...on June 28th 2020 at 4:00pm my time I'll be launching my Virtual Art Exhibition. It will be a sharing, a bit of music, and an art tour.