Making Changes During This Epic Period

Hi is everyone doing? I am great. in fact I love being at home and working from home. one thing that definitely happens is that you start to reconsider how you do things and what you do and what are the things you can do without and what you simply need to get rid of. So on considering all these different considerations I've looked at what has been the reason for me starting a blog and why? I've also started looking at how I spend my income on my different Online sites.

Basically, I started my blog to share my culture and my thoughts. I've leaned from the different Youtube videos that you can use t to teach and help others. I do that sometimes but my main focus is my Art, so I created another site called for my art and there I share my present blog posts as well as all that I am experiencing in my art life, so I've been considering closing this site and shifting everything to that art site. i want to concentrate on sharing my life, thoughts, my art life, my art learnings and with such a change I know I may lose a few or maybe even all of my followers.

It will be like starting over and for some of us this can be a scary thing. Change is always scary and we will have lots of doubts and uncertainties as to whether or not we're doing the right thing, but I have no choice to some extent as with this pandemic we all have to watch our dollars and I presently run 3 sites and if you're not the caribbean our exchange rate is 7 to 1 so where you pay $100USD for your website that is equivalent to $700.00 TTD for me so with 3 sites that's a good bit of money.

Another reason i may cancel this site and move everything to my art site is that I don't get as much feedback or comments from this site as I do from the other. People let me know if you want me to keep this site and I will. If I don't hear much of a response then it will be a case of sitting and making that hard decision to close one. My next uncertainty is that in reading one article they say it's best to keep a ".org" Wordpress site versus a ".com" Wordpress site and I'm not sure what that means. An third, the other site has my new branded name whereas this site has my very very old brand. WAHT DO I DO PEOPLE? I love both sites but am I really losing out on anything if I close this one and revert everyone to my other site? SIGH!!!! Questions, questions????? me here...What would you do?

some other changes that were pretty easy since this Pandemic are:

  1. Working fully from home

  2. Closing my office as an office, brick and mortar is no longer really needed

  3. Changing exercise and eating habits that are now a routine

  4. More involved in my Coaching business with the cash flow and budgeting (before i let my husband make all decisions now we do most together)

  5. Paying bills online and doing most of our transfers etc online

So guys, ther are a few more changes that I've made...just can't think of them right now but I'm sure you've had to make some major changes and they probably will remain even after this pandemic is over.

People all the best, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands and stay well.


Gafra (Gail)