A New and Interesting Era
/Hi guys, it has been almost two years since I’ve written a blog. I’m not even sure how I managed to start writing today? It has been a very eventful 2 years and many things have changed in this life. Many of you would have gone through similar situations as me and many changes and maybe even sad events. I have totally changed how I live I gave up my office and now I work strictly from home with my Leadership Coaching Business. I must admit I haven’t painted in the last year and a half but I still stayed creative by making Junk Journals.
I haven’t been as diligent as I should be with my Art website and I’m sorry about that but my Coaching pays the bills and being an Artist in Trinidad is very competitive. You have to do soooo many things to be noticed or to even sell your art. I’ve done some exhibitions and sold some pieces there. What I sold I could never make a living off of but I know this and it’s also because I don’t spend enough time designated to building my Art Business. Unfortunately Art takes a second seat as I don’t earn enough from it to live.
For all who want to make Art their livelihood, you have to expend all of your energy in that direction. But as we’ve been bombarded by Covid and all the changes that that has caused we have no choice but to make our income where we can and I make most of mine doing Online Coaching. Art has always been my release, but the crafting helps to some extent but I do miss painting but as my studio is now my Husbands office the inspiration or drive to paint is very low, so I have to come up with another way to push myself to paint. Doing an Exhibition is one way to push me to create new pieces but nowt always.
Time is passing so I have to get back that inspiration and drive. I will and it will be soon. That’s all for now guys and as I’m back I will try to post again, but I can’t promise that it will been set days of the week. But I am back.