The Attitude is Everything Programme
Hi you know I am a Development Coach and I coach mainly managers, supervisors and executives. I am licensed by a company in the US and recently with the situation of this pandemic, they brought out a program caled Attitude is Everything. It's 4 sessions once a week, it's a digital programme and I coach you through it for the 4 weeks, helping you to get grounded, focus on what's next and I help you get a better handle on where you want to go in your life, especially to deal with the effects of this pandemic. Unfortunately they didn't offer this free, none of their programmes are free, but I decided to mention it on my blog in case anyone was interested.
I would be your coach, you would get the digital programme sent to you, we would organise to meet every week and go through each lesson as I coach and facilitate you through the programme material. We would use zoom to interact and at the end you receive a certificate and you do an evaluation on the process. I don't know if this is of interest to anyone but I said let me at least give you my followers the option. Wth my clients they normally do these types of programmes for their staff so that is on a different level.
If you want to organise some coaching one on one without the use of the program or you're interested in my other programmes, give me a shout out via
Oh and in case anyone was thinking this, please note I'm not trying to sell a program....I'm not selling you on anything, it's all about if you feel you need something like this....You either do or you don't, if you don't not a problem but at least you know about it and you have choices because there are a lot of things out there that can help us but we don't know about them, that has happened to me many times and I find out afer the fact. In those cases then I pass on the info to others who I know might benefit, although I missed out. Let's share things we know can help each other. That's what the world is all about....
So, i'll check you guys next week and stay safe. Luv you all
Gail (Gafra)