A Day To Be Thankful.
/Hi everyone, it's a beautiful day in Trinidad and Tobago. Today I saw my admin assistant for the first time after a week. She was one of the casualties of the major flooding in Arima.
The story was bad. Water coming through your windows, cars submerged, water up to your neck, kindergardens having to carry the babies to the roof. It was a mess, but after the rescues by the Coast guard people came out in droves to help.
Those who couldn't leave their homes for whatever reason were provided with food and drink and help came later.
It was a good story to hear that after the water finally went down people came again in droves to help remove useless water ridden appliances. They came to help clean the homes. They came with cooked food, clothes, baby items to assist those who had lost everything.
Charity and goodness is still alive. Yes she mentioned there was the odd story of appliances being stolen but those were few. Things were well organised and everything came to them because some people couldn't leave anyway.
I was amazed at her stories of the generosity and goodwill that occurred. Even the insurance companies were very professional in their approach. Just as peole were visited house by house by HDC to repair electricity and check outlets and restore these key amenities the insurance agents also went house to house to get estimates to deal with claims quickly.
You didnt have to go to the offices, the office came to you and so it should be because their minds were already in a turmoil from being rescued in their own living room from 6 feet of water. That is traumatic and scary. Juming into that water so that the Coast Guard can rescue you was also danderous as some peopl banged their legs or side on the unknown items under the water.
Its so surreal. These are things you see on TV but never think they will happen to people close to you. You feel helpless but things always work out. The interesting part is, while some are going through all that chaos others are going on with their lives unaware of the devastation others are dealing with. Life is just so odd sometimes.
Well things have settled and she is back home. She has no furniture but again the government swiftly sort to give grants for them to replace their appliances and many stores offered very low discounts to assist with the replacement.
So with everything back to normal I am glad that we aren't as third world as some other countries like to list us. Things were well organised and dealt with. We still have things to work out so they run even better but everything takes time and we have reached very far.
So check you next week for more artsy sharing versus disaster sharing.
Landslide in Maracas