Hi Guys….this is Gafra. I am an Artist from Trinidad and I create based on what inspires me. I use many mediums but I am also a Leadership Coach here in Trinidad and, as such, I coach executives and others how to manage their team members and themselves. I started creating Planners to help you with a structure or format to follow to achieve your goal, whether that goal is to be a coach yourself or to be better at managing your time or being a better delegator. Browse through my Digital Printable Planners and I hope they can help you in some way.
Red/Orange Daily Planner Professional, Digital Planner, Red & Orange Planner, Instant Print, Download, Cute Planner, Girly Planner, Daily Page, Finance
Red/Orange Daily Planner Professional, Digital Planner, Red & Orange Planner, Instant Print, Download, Cute Planner, Girly Planner, Daily Page, Finance
Digitally created
For Quick Payment. Click PayPal.Me/gafra.
Subject: Writable Planner Forms
Orientation: Vertical
Size: 8.5 x 11
Digital Download
Material: use normal paper. Forward to your printer and print as many as you need.
This is what you will receive in this planner:
- Big Audacious Goal Sheet - write in your huge overall goal(s) for the quarter or for the year
- Monthly Tasks - Monthly 2019 Sheet - take the overall goal and divided it into the monthly tasks necessary to achieve it. Editable for you to type or write in the relevant month
- Weekly Tasks - Week one - List all the weekly tasks that stem from the monthly tasks that are required to be completed to achieve your overall goal
- Weekly Tasks - Editable for you to indicate the relevant week
- Daily Tasks - Day one - now the tasks/activities have been drilled down to a bite sized piece that needs to be done on a particular day. What are those tasks?
- Daily Tasks - Editable
- Possible Challenges Listing Sheet - think about what could prevent you from achieving this goal
- Possible Solutions to the challenges Sheet x2 - Editable - what are the solutions to those possible challenges and place these solutions as some of the tasks to be done.
- Work Planner Sheet - Manage your meetings, projects and things to do
- Daily Planning Sheet - plan all your tasks on this page
- Weekly Planning Sheet -
- Activities schedule - put times to all your tasks
- Contact List
- Password Organiser - Organise all of your passwords for all of your important sites
- Monthly Budget
- Grocery Checklist
- Overnight Checklist
- Daily Schedule Sheet - Monday to Friday
- Graph Tracking Sheet
- Printable Acrylic Abstract Painting - This is a gift to you my customer. it is a printable of one of my acrylic abstract paintings, that I am giving to you for supporting me by buying this planner. The colours go with this planner's colour scheme. Hope you like it.