What Happens After Covid and BLM
Hi guys.....don't worry I'm not going into the whole Protesting things and the unfairness that Blacks encounter. My main question is what happens after all of these Big Situations? Will we go back to normal? Will we change and what will change specifically? Will we have new behaviours? I'm always curious as to do we understand the source of these issues whether it's why did Covid happen in the first place?
Yes we can't think about that right now while in the core of the virus killing humans but I hope someone out there is looking or delving into why did this happen and how do we prevent this from happening in the future, because it seems humans never learn and we tend to repeat the past over and over again. I'm concerned with that aspect. What is the true source of Covid? What is the source of the judemental/prejudice against blacks? I live in the Caribbean so the majority are black or mixed and even with that you will still encounter people making judegments but there are people who do things and behave in a way that gets them labelled and then eventually judged.
If you are from an environment where to survive it's the norm or expected that you behave in a particular way but that behaviour is seen as miscreant or immoral or uncomfortable to the majority of society then you will be labelled and seen in a particular way. It's unfortunate but my question is how do you change that? It will take a lot of changes in many different ways and by many people. That will take time. Humans love but they love selectively sometimes. We don't really know how to love unconditionally. And we don't know how to stop categorising people. We seem to need to categorise or label people or things to be able to know how to organise society.
I've never understood why in America people are labelled as...black american, latino american, asian america....what is that. We don't do that here. You american, what's with the distinctions? Stop seeing colour, see character. OK!! I started to rant a bit but in a low keyed quiet way. Love you guys and I hope everyone is safe and not in any kind of pain. My last words are that I'm so glad that I never encountered racism here or even when I travelled abroad, because I'm not sure how I would deal with it and I tend to have a bad temper, I'm not a curser, but I will make a fuss.Caribbean people don't get on badly though, but we will speak up if we see something we feel is unfair, wrong or totally crazy.