Research Research Research
/A lot of research is needed to sell your art online. how do you research and what online info do you need. See what i found out.
Hi everyone, I decided to do more research and reading on how to sell my art online. I did a facebook course on social media marketing and I've set up my website, i'm on instagram, twitter and facebook but I really don't get any sales from any of those mediums. I do get people viewing my work and liking it but no purchases thus far.
I think one or two people sort me out in an upmarket and may have purchased a panel or two but my larger pieces....they don't get much coverage. I figure the best way to show those is via an Exhibition but that takes money and organising and time. So I will have one next year but for now I decided to do some research into figuring out what I am still not doing enough of or at all.
I had hoped that I would sell most of my Art online and be shipping paintings abroad but that hasn't happened and I have to figure out why.Right now I'm reading the book " Sell you art online" by Cory Huff. So far its very good. Still just taking it in and then I will go back and pull out salient points. I love doing research so this is fun for me.
One thing I've learnt so far from this book is that your talent has nothing to do with your sales. So I feel a little better because you tend to wonder if your work isn't good enough but its not about that. It's about getting infront of the right people who like the kind of art that you produce.
Being seen by the right target market and reaching them wherever they might be. That's why social media is so great. Its the forum you can use to do that whereas to reach that audience long ago you couldn't unless you travelled the world. Now you can travel the world with the click of a button.
I’ve resent this post because I am now adding an update. Todate things have been better on one front and worse on another. What am I talking about?….Well sales are even worse in the markets. Every market I’ve done I’ve sold absolutely nothing. Online things are a bit better as my viewership is increasing and I’ve been researching all the ways to up my website, for example, i didn’t realise that to post blogs on Pinterest you needed to create eye catching cover pages in Canva. So I’ve learnt to do that.
It is a lot of fun and can be quite addictive. But it does change the look of your blog, it makes it a lot more captivating and professional.I’ve also learned about the groups on Pinterest and I’m very interested in joining a few. People have approached me to add them to my board, but to be honest I didn’t really know how to do that, so that is something I have to learn still.
so in summary, what I’ve learned so far with all the time that has gone by:
make sure your blog posts have the proper cover graphic so it can be easily posted to Pinterest.
you can build up a large following on Pinterest by pinning your posts.
Have a long list of topics that you can post on.
Write these posts and you can schedule them to be posted as you see fit. I love Squarespace for this as the schedule is built in.
Get people to join your list at every turn.
Share your knowledge but not all. Develop courses to share the majority of your know how.
So people when I figure out what I am not doing well I will let you guys know but for now check you all later.