With Love, Time Matters Not
Hi everyone....sorry I'm late but I was sooooo busy this week, I didn't get to do my post, so I'm doing it as we speak, and thank God in Trinidad we have a lot of holidays and today is one. We are celebrating Corpus Christ today and yesterday was also a holiday - Labour Day. Isn't that great? 2 holidays in the middle of the week...yipeee!!!
But that's not what I wanted to talk about, just giving you an intro....yesterday with 2 other friends we organised a Prayer Meeting....well actually it was like a Prayer Group Reconnection, as my husband and I once belonged to a Prayer Group while at University in Trinidad (UWI) and that group became our extended family.
We did many things together as a Prayer Group, we went on camp outs, went to areas to help pray with people, we did talks in different communities, we played cricket against other prayer groups and we basically ended up marrying within the group. That is where I found my husband, and friends for life, in fact many of the married couples I know today came out of that prayer group.
Amongst the couples, we all have 4 or 5 kids and our children grew up together, but as time passed the Leader grew tired and the prayer group sort of dissolved right under our noses without us realising what was happening and people scattered. It was sad but it happened subtly and quickly, but we knew, in our hearts, that everyone still belonged to the prayer group even though it didn't exist anymore. We were all still connected in our hearts especially because the group had changed so many lives, built so many foundations within individuals and transformed many. We 3 ladies organised a reconnect and it was an amazing success.
I have to explain that me and 1 of these ladies had been trying to get together for ages to try to plan this reconnection but was always diverted or not available or thwarted in some way. We even met once then had to cancel because an issue occurred for one of us and she had to leave, so it was postponed. It's only when we brought in lady number 3 that things happened quickly. And as someone pointed out, we needed the 3 of us to let it happen for God is the Trinity, 3 in one and Trinidad is known as La Trinity, so nothing can happen until there are 3 working on his plan. We know that God had this happen for a reason, we know he needed the 3 of us to start it and it became clear why based on what words and prophesies we received at the meeting.
You must be wondering...what the heck is prayer group?Well.....
A prayer group is a meeting of lay people from all walks of life for the purpose of prayer as a group. The Prayer meetings are normally conducted outside regular services. Prayer groups are made of small numbers of Christians, often between 6 and more, and led by a Prayer Group leader(s). ... Prayer meetings may consist of praise and worship (singing), prayer, worship, Bible sharing, testimonials, discussions and a fellowship meal/snacks.
Our country and the world is going through many difficult psychological and economical times. There is a lot more stress at work, thus causing a lot more anger, violence, illnesses, worry, poor decision making, bad relationships and so much more. People are looking to be loved and are betrayed, people are angry with injustice and rise up in protest and many are running from persecution or political wrangling.
So now was a great time to resurrect a group that was spiritually guided and blessed. We were and are a Prayer group that was created to help the students on Campus and todate the spirituality of the students at the university is in peril. The Catholic group on Campus is not as vibrant as it once was, so we know that is why this reconnection was necessary. It was necessary to feed life back into the spiritual group of kids at the University because they needed help. Not only that but we found out that many students were struggling to stay afloat at the University because their grants weren't coming in on time or they were short of cash for food and more. This is where we plan to help. we could feed the body as well as the soul.
We planned to help feed some of these kids, provide a spiritual place they can come and fellowship and be at ease and help with fees where possible. So just to clarify, I am a Catholic, more than that I am a Charismatic Catholic which means we praise Jesus in a similar way to the Pentecostals but within our Catholic religion. We are not traditional in our praise and as a result many of the traditionalistic priests of the Catholic faith are totally against us and how we operate, but we all praise and worship the same God so despite the barriers we encounter sometimes we continue on, for the love of Jesus.
No guys...I'm not preaching to you or anyone else, just explaining where I stand. God has been my foundation and strength all through my 55 years here on this earth. From young I've felt his presence and known he was with me. At that time I didn't know what is was and I started searching to find which religion or spiritual group could help me strengthen the connection. I tried Raj Yoga, Rosicrucion, Pentecostal, transcendental meditation, then I heard about the prayer group while I was on Campus decided to attend a meeting, and that was it for me....I had come home...I found my resting place. As a Catholic family growing up we didn't really go to church much and I didn't really follow the traditions but I knew something was with me or someone, just not sure who. I knew it was God but where did he want me to make my link so I could build myself according to his will...and this group was it.
There I discovered my gifts of the Spirit and I discovered deep friendships, so much so that we are each others children's Godparents, and that is how it should be. We are a strong spiritual core and I thank God for sending me to them. There is a deep love between us all even though as the group scattered we still felt the same about each other, coming together after 24 years. Yes....!!!!!.......we had our last meeting in 1995. I was appalled to realise how much time had passed, but as someone mentioned in the meeting yesterday, to God, 24 years is but a few minutes, probably 24 minutes. After thinking about it like that I was fine, in fact it always amazes me or puts me in awe of how God works and we really don't understand how he operates, even though he has described his ways in the bible, I know I still don't get it.
As humans we haven't developed our psyche enough to make that incredible spiritual link to our Heavenly father here on earth. I tried and was distracted by the world, so I lost my footing, stumbled and it is taking me a while to catch myself back, especially as I kinda blamed God for allowing me to trip. I felt he could have prevented it if he wanted, but life is a choice, as I always tell my clients who I coach, we need to take personal responsibility for the decisions we make and therefore accept the consequences, while not placing blame on anyone else. I take my blame and I have accepted my punishments or consequences, but God loves me and my reprimand although hard and I still pay today, has made me stronger and wiser and opened my eyes to discern certain issues better.
One thing I must mention, when I discovered this group, I brought my mother and brother into the fold and their lives changed. At the time my mother was estranged from my father and he was being very malicious towards us, but that worked itself out, my father died (killed by his way of life) and I thank God again for leading me to the group and helping my family find the spiritual family and foundation they needed to go on in life. It also helped build the spirituality within my kids and they have all been blessed and they are a strong group of kids ( I have 4). In fact all of the children born out of the Prayer Group are amazing individuals and are all doing extremely well. God is good, all the time.
So people, find your connection to your God, who ever or whatever that may be and if that feeling inside you saying that there is a Spiritual Being linked to you, go find it and let it guide you because for me God's guidance is unmeasurable and without him I am nothing. I thank him for my journey in life and I thank him daily for all that I have and I thank him for all the love he spews on me and I thank him for you my followers and virtual friends. Be blessed people. God is Love.